% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Xerox Star
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Xerox Star - ορισμός

Xerox 8010; 8010 Star Information System; 8010 Star; Xerox 8010 Star Information System; Xerox 8010 Information System; Fuji Xerox J-Star; J-Star (computer); Star (computer); Xerox Star 8010; Star (Xerox); Star 8010; Xeros 8010 Information System; Xerox Dorado
  • Evolution of the used document icon shape
  • [[Rank Xerox]] brochure for 8010/40 system
  • Compound document and desktop of 8010/40 system
  • 250px
  • Windowed interface with scrollbars and greyscale graphics

Xerox Star         
  • 160px
  • 160px
  • Rank Xerox logo used in 1980s
  • 160px
  • The [[Xerox Alto]] workstation was developed at Xerox PARC.
  • Xerox WorkCentre 6605
  • Xerox logo 1968–2008, designed by [[Chermayeff & Geismar]]
  • Xerox "Pixellated X" logo introduced in 1994
Xerox Corporation; Xerox Document Company; Xerox Corp.; XEROX; XtraPrint; Xerox Research Centre of Canada; Xerox A/S; NewField IT; Xerox Corp; Xerox Research Centre Europe; Xerox Systems Institute; @Xerox; Haloid Photographic; Xerox Holdings Corp; Xerox Holdings; Xerox Holdings Corporation
(Xeroxes, Xeroxing, Xeroxed)
A Xerox is a machine that can make copies of pieces of paper which have writing or other marks on them. (TRADEMARK)
The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines.
N-COUNT: usu N n
A Xerox is a copy of something written or printed on a piece of paper, which has been made using a Xerox machine.
If you Xerox a document, you make a copy of it using a Xerox machine.
I should have simply Xeroxed this sheet for you.
XEROX Corporation         
  • 160px
  • 160px
  • Rank Xerox logo used in 1980s
  • 160px
  • The [[Xerox Alto]] workstation was developed at Xerox PARC.
  • Xerox WorkCentre 6605
  • Xerox logo 1968–2008, designed by [[Chermayeff & Geismar]]
  • Xerox "Pixellated X" logo introduced in 1994
Xerox Corporation; Xerox Document Company; Xerox Corp.; XEROX; XtraPrint; Xerox Research Centre of Canada; Xerox A/S; NewField IT; Xerox Corp; Xerox Research Centre Europe; Xerox Systems Institute; @Xerox; Haloid Photographic; Xerox Holdings Corp; Xerox Holdings; Xerox Holdings Corporation
<company> http://xerox.com/. See also XEROX PARC, XEROX Network Services. [Summary?] (2001-03-03)


Xerox Star

The Xerox Star workstation, officially named Xerox 8010 Information System, is the first commercial personal computer to incorporate technologies that have since become standard in personal computers, including a bitmapped display, a window-based graphical user interface, icons, folders, mouse (two-button), Ethernet networking, file servers, print servers, and e-mail.

Introduced by Xerox Corporation on April 27, 1981, the name Star technically refers only to the software sold with the system for the office automation market. The 8010 workstations were also sold with software based on the programming languages Lisp and Smalltalk for the smaller research and software development market.

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για Xerox Star
1. but they don't-- in the Xerox Star, and the Alto--
The Innovators _ Walter Isaacson _ Talks at Google
2. So how many people have heard of Xerox Star?
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
3. from, the Xerox Star was one of the first commercial GUIs
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
4. That means, he got to work on the Xerox Star which if you go
Designing with the Mind in Mind _ Jeff Johnson _ Talks at Google